Part Sixteen
Turf Saves the Bay
"I said we'd help the bay, right?" asked
Turf as he looked around, too stupid to remember what he said
earlier. And too dumb to pronounce boy correctly. Unless he meant
day. And then he couldn't pronounce that either. Unless he really
thought he was saving a bay. He is pretty stupid.
"Save the Bay! HA HA HA!" exclaimed Rocko
jumping all over Turf's typo and forcing me to keep it in if I
wanted to have Rocko make sense. Go back and change bay to boy and
ignore this paragraph if you think it would make the plot go as
smooth as it had been going before being interrupted by the reaction
to typoes.
The poo boy ran off out the front door, flinging poo
and mud over everything he passed by. Buster, Dade and Turf followed
after poo boy in a desperate attempt to appear to be doing the right
thing for the right reasons. Buster, unsure if he should do this
even though he declared he and The Hero would, stopped to make sure
The Hero was following them (even though The Hero was ahead of him)
before he continued.
"Oh man, he's going for goons," obliqued
Rocko. "Okay, the farm first. Then the Cyclops. That way, we
get to pillage the farm before the posers do," Rocko finished
mysteriously, possibly playing his own Roller Playing Game within
the Roller Playing Game. Also, he was talking to himself.
XVII. Rocko is Evil & Buster
is Gay
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