Part 2
Since I couldn't figure out how to continue Mindshadow on the Spectrum, I've decided to play
the second half on the Commodore 64. So when you see the pictures and wonder why they're so much better (or so much worse if you happen
to be a stupid Spectrum Fanboy), remember that last sentence I typed and you'll have the reason for it. So, on with the game!

The Commodore is better! See the moving shark fin? You would if I had made an animated .gif.
The Royal Navy just dropped me off on the English shore. I am walking along a pier. Some debris floats nearby. I guess I
should check out the debris but that shark makes me nervous! I peer at him and notice he eyes me hungrily! Really? Who can tell
with a shark? I mean, they've got beady black eyes that don't exactly look like they're looking anywhere. Plus its
head is underwater? Maybe I'll come back for the debris later. I head
off of the pier. The docks are dark and dangerous, but there are ways out. Airport Way runs to the north, Baker Street to
the east.

Maybe the art isn't as good. Wasn't the Spectrum more colorful? Or is England just dreary?
Nothing much going on here! So I head
along Baker Street.

Is it foggy or am I developing cataracts?
Even though I started out going east, apparently I'm now making my way north on Baker Street. A dark alley extends to the east.
I wonder where everybody is? Is England a deserted island too? I continue
into the dark and scary alley which
didn't turn out to be all that dark.

Are those cross-eyed robbers? Or people like me trying to hide from cross-eyed robbers?
Even being stricken by my severe memory problems, I could easily tell that this
was the sort of place where robbers hang out, so I quickly moved on to
where I found a fat guy sleeping on top
of some garbage cans.

Awww. Isn't he sweet? Maybe I should give him a little kiss?
This place didn't seem like the safest place to take a nap, so I tried to wake
him up and take him to a park bench or a comfortable gutter. But he wouldn't
budge! And then I remembered that I didn't actually remember anything. And if I
was hanging out in this dark alley where robbers hang out, perhaps I was a
robber myself! And if I was, I couldn't let a chance like this pass me by! So I
decided to
and went about it like a total pro! I
knocked a hat on the ground and pocketed 210 Pounds! I think pounds are what
they call money in England which is why they weigh themselves in Stones because
Pounds was already taken and it would just confuse everyone if they weighed the
same as they cost. I decided the hat was probably worth a little something also,
so I preceded to
before I headed back to the
I exited the alley to the
and immediately felt better being back
on the non-alley streets of London. Putting my new hat jauntily on my head, I
back to the docks. Heading
I encountered an old derelict, reeking of ale and bitters,
lying in the gutter, mumbling incoherently.

I think he's having a seizure!
"Boy, London sure is filled with a lot of bums!" I exclaimed wildly and
possibly a little bit unpolitically correct. There was also a little kitty cat
sticking its head out of an overturned barrel. Unless that was actually a tree
stump torn out of the docks and left for the garbage dolly to pick up. Unless
trucks aren't called dollies and they're called cabs or torches or lifts or
I decided to strike up a conversation
with this bum who really didn't look like he was in any condition to talk. But
when I asked him if he needed an ambulance, he said, "Forged airline
tickets are but a step away when one knows the byword..."
"A clue!" I exclaimed. And
then I realized I must have been an English teacher because his open ellipsis
made me realize he had more to say! But how to get him to talk since I gave all
of my rum to that drunk sea captain? I decided to
to the bum and he really liked the
idea! "Five pounds buys you this: The byword is Chandralt."
Wow! A secret password! I must actually be a spy who only poses as an English
Teacher who used to be a Boy Scout. Now all I had to do was find the guy who
would accept the password and give me some forged airline tickets! Perhaps he
was fishing off the docks! I set off
to find this guy. But he wasn't here so
I went further
and stumbled upon a hairy fisherman!

What an awful outfit!
I tried to tell him there
was better fishing a couple of docks north since I figured a shark
would feed a lot of fat, ugly fishermen. But he threatened to call
the police if I didn't keep it down and stop scaring the fish away.
He had an extra fishing pole and I thought, "Hey! I could catch
that shark and show this jerk a thing or two about fishing and
putting an ensemble together!" So I managed to
this guy and he said, "For five pounds, you got a deal. The pole is
yours." Boy, these people sure are friendly! So I headed back NORTH and
then WEST out
on to the pier. Pulling out my pole, I swung wildly and launched the hook out
over the bay. It landed in the garbage and I managed to FISH
IN THE DEBRIS while the shark
looked on with his hollow, laughing, taunting eyes. I managed to hook an old
newspaper which wasn't much of a prize but I figured I'd better read it. I
couldn't pick it up because I was juggling too many souvenirs from my island
adventure. So I decided to DROP
THE POLE so that I
could GET THE NEWSPAPER. Flipping
through the soggy mess, I READ
THE NEWSPAPER and discovered
that a Financier named ARCMAN had recently donated a new hospital wing. Wow,
what a generous guy! He's probably the noblest, smartest, most intriguing and
well-sexed guy who ever lived! Tucking the disgusting newspaper under my arm, I
headed EAST back
toward London. I walked further EAST until
I came back to Baker Street where I turned NORTH until
I found myself outside of Rick's Cafe. I don't think I'd had anything to eat or
drink since I woke up on the mysterious island, so I decided to duck in and have
some fish and chips. I headed EAST and
suddenly realized something else I hadn't done in a long time!

The hat check girl was so gorgeous that I attempted to kiss her.
That's when I found out the host was her husband and he rudely
punched me in the jaw. I decided this wasn't the time and place to
show my super secret spy moves where I kill husbands and have
relations with hot women, so I politely decided to
while manly showing that the punch didn't hurt me at all. I
to find a seat so that I could fill up on some good old home-style fish and
fries! The service was amazing as the waitress wasted no time at all serving me
a drink. But she didn't say what kind of drink it was and I'd be really
disappointed if it was an RC instead of a Pepsi, so I decided to
And lucky I did! I saw a tablet dissolving in the drink. Poison! At
that same moment, a tiny little man went running by!
I instantly deduced that if I noticed poison in my drink and a little man
goes running by at the same time, then it must be a leprechaun and I was about
to be rich! I decided to
and cornered him in the bathroom!

No pot of gold in here!
little man said, "It wasn't me who betrayed you on the
Tycoon," then fainted. A-ha! I was someone who someone else
would want to betray and I was a passenger in a space ship called
the Tycoon! Who was this little man and what goodies was he hiding
beneath that trench coat? Well, apparently nothing. While I was in
here, I decided to
just in case
it would help me out later in the adventure. I also hurried
out of the
bathroom so that nobody would catch me in the toilet with a passed
out dwarf. Apparently, the service actually sucked really badly in
this restaurant because the waitress never came back to get my
order. I stomped out hungry and angry to the
remembered to
and left to
I was so angry
with the service and the attempt on my life and the lack of gold on
the little man, that I didn't notice they'd given me the wrong hat
at the hat check! I decided to
to see if
there were any clues as to who owned it and discovered it was left
by a man named Bob who must have gone to Rick's Cafe many times
before and knew they always gave out the wrong hats because he left
a message on the inside of his hat for anybody discovering it to
meet him at Booth 11 at the Inn. There were no Inns in London but I
believed the man I once was would have remembered that there was an
Inn in Luxembourg! I'd need to get there to return the hat! I headed
searching for
a ticket agent who could get me some tickets in exchange for a
password. I found myself outside of a dingy store and headed in to

Who wears a visor and Bow Tie
without a shirt?
This was no
ordinary store. It's shelves were empty. The seedy clerk eyed me
warily. I tried to point out to the clerk that it should be
"Its shelves" and not "It's shelves" but he just
ignored me and said something about Merchandise and a byword and
Did he say
'byword'!? That's the same word the dirty dirigible used earlier! I
puffed up my chest to look important and got myself to
by reading the
note I scrawled on the back of my hand. The man said, "Welcome,
I am Grevdan, master forger. Airline tickets are 200 pounds,
Just my luck!
I had exactly 200 pounds left from robbing the fat man in the alley!
I still felt a little bit bad about the stolen loot but I decided to
to Grevdan
anyway. Besides, now that I had no more money, I wouldn't feel as
guilty. Plus I now had a ticket to get me out of London before the
Bobbies figured out I was a big time thief! Now I just needed to
find an airport and I remember seeing an airplane in an earlier
badly drawn picture.

Yep! There it is!
I headed
NORTH, and

Luxembourg and the end of the
adventure, here I come!
I gave my
ticket to the non-existent ticket taker and decided to
I took an
uneventful trip to Luxembourg. What would I find here? What
strange adventures awaited me in this crazy, foreign location? Would
my memories come back? We'll find out after this short break!
FADE IN. A hot
mom stands in a shiny kitchen while holding a mop. "Have you
ever had one of those days?" She wipes her brow. "I used
to have them all the time!" The hot mom takes her top off and
shows her boobs. FADE OUT.

Luxembourg is just as boring
as London. I miss the island.
I guess I had
traveled to Luxembourg because that was the only country I knew with
an Inn. Plus, it was the only country Grevdan offered to forge plane
tickets for. I figured I'd need a little room for souvenirs, so I
decided to
STEEL, and
Feeling better
now that I didn't have to carry all of that useless puzzle solving
crap around with me, I headed

Uh-oh! It's the fuzz! And a
happy fat guy.
to discover
that Inn I'd somehow remembered. I was pretty hungry so I bought a
pickle or two on credit from Pickle Boy and then headed
into the Inn.

Hey! A couple of guys arguing
about the situation in the Middle East! I guess that doesn't help me
remember what year it is.
The Inn was
built a little strangely. Ninety-nine small booths lined the walls.
I guess whoever lost their hat should be sitting in
waiting for it
to be returned! I counted out the booths since they weren't numbered
and arrived at Booth 11 where I was surprised to find the man had
died waiting for his hat to be returned! Or else the little man from
Rick's Cafe had done him in with a Poison Mountain Dew!

Maybe he did himself in with
that tire pump?
It was
probably a good thing he was dead because I wasn't sure how I was
going to explain to him that I came all this way and just left his
hat carelessly on the runway at the airport. I'd already punched a
guy, threatened a dwarf, robbed a fat man, and forged plane tickets,
so I figured if I took this guy's stuff, it wouldn't really matter
too much. So I decided to
and found a
note and an ID card on him! I looked around carefully to make sure
the waitress hadn't finally decided to get our drink orders and
decided to quickly
of the stuff.
I hurriedly
to discover
that some guy named Jared was in room 207. Who was this Jared? And
who was this guy who lost his hat? Although it seemed he had found
another hat since it was lying right there in front of his big dead
face. I
to discover
that this guy's name was Bob Masters and he knew how to drive. I
tried taking Bob's new hat but I somehow couldn't see it even though
it was right there in front of me. These booths really were dark! I
scooted out of the booth to the
and then
exited the Inn to the
I tried
reporting the dead body to the cop but he didn't want any trouble on
his beat, so he ignored me. I guess the paperwork would have been
too big of a headache for him. I headed
and discovered
a bank! I didn't know who I was so the bank wasn't going to give me
any money. Anyway, I thought maybe this Jared guy could help me out,
so I continued
until I
arrived at the world famous Luxembourg Hotel. I entered to the

Who's the creepy guy peering
out of the back room?
and discovered
it was way too purple for my tastes. But the clerk said, "Good
day, sir. Your room is number 202." I didn't want to argue
with him and point out that I had no money and that I didn't know
who the heck he was, so I took the key and headed
to check out
my place. The 2nd floor didn't look anything like the lobby and had
me longing for those beautiful purple stripes.

I headed
and then
entered my room to the

Brown now?
As I entered,
I heard a quiet whirr from behind me and as I reached to
hanging from
the wall, a dart plunged into my back! Fortunately, the canvas
protected me from a near fatal blow. Yeah. A near fatal blow
from a dart! As I recovered from this fierce onslaught, I
only to
discover another map! This time it looked like the pirates did it
right! I was so excited about looking for treasure, that I ran out
of the hotel (by going
DOWN, and
The map showed
an X on the ground between two trees! I figured that if I headed out
into the wilderness, I could find this place easy! All I had to do
was locate a section of the forest where two trees were growing near
each other and then dig! So I headed
into the
wilderness and looked around.
Nope. Just one
tree here! Better keep looking. I headed
only to
discover another large area with just one tree. I then explored to
and found more
of the same! These Luxembourg Forests sure are sparse! I headed
and thought
that maybe I was just wandering around the same tree over and over
because every scene looked exactly like the one I showed you
earlier. I then headed
and knew that
I was onto something because the game took a long time to load the
new picture instead of just instantly flashing the same picture it
had kept using for the last five locations! It was TWO TREES! (Don't
type that into the game since that wasn't in bold! It was just all
caps because I was excited about finding treasure!). Mustering up
all of my energy, I began to
with the sea
shell I found immediately upon waking up at the beginning of the
game. I knew I was going to need this at some point! Digging between
the two trees, I uncovered a leaflet! Um. What a bunch of stupid
pirates! Burying advertisements?! I decided to
so I could
take a closer look at it. I
and began to
get excited again! It was the number to a safety deposit box! For a
bank! That's where people who aren't pirates keep their treasure!
Whatever pirate buried this safety deposit box number must be a
pretty forward thinking pirate! He still had to act like a pirate
but he made sure his treasure was nice and secure in a bank! I
hurried out of the wilderness and back to the bank I'd passed
earlier by going
WEST, and
to enter the
bank with my new treasure! The clerk was waving money in my face as
I approached her. Him. Her?

Him! HER! Him?
Give me my money!" I shouted at the clerk. It looked at me like
I was a maniac and said, "You know, you can politely
instead of
yelling at him. Her. Me." It clucked its tongue at me and
continued, "Your account number please."
I claimed
majestically! The lady (Oh! It was a her! I knew it all
along) disappeared into the back for a minute then returned with
my safety deposit box. She handed it to me and I excitedly took
It was a gun.
A gun! Now I knew who I was! I was Grunion Gun! POET AND WRITER EXTRAORDINAIRE!
And Jared probably stole one of my poems! "Oh, that
thief!" I scolded! I decided I would
and show him a
thing or two about stealing somebody else's work! The lady made me
before leaving
the bank to the
I was lucky
the cop out front didn't notice me waving my gun around like a
madman as I headed
back to the
hotel! I checked to make sure it was loaded and it was! That would
have been a terrible twist if I'd confronted Jared and found that I
still had to solve one more puzzle to get bullets for my gun! I
stomped into the Hotel to the
and ran
the stairs to
the 2nd floor. Jared was in Room 207 at the end of the hallway so I
had to type
before I was
standing outside of his door. I gathered up my courage and kicked in
the door to the

That shadow doesn't look like
Grunion Gun! Where's the afro?
There lay my
nemesis trying to sleep. I thought about waking him up and
confronting him. I also thought about putting my hand in warm water
so that I could pee on him. But I was so mad that this guy was
trying to steal my Great American Novel that I decided to
right then and
there! I whipped my gun out and fired! As the man's body slumped
to the ground, the covers slid aside revealing a pistol and a note.
A-ha! A note that probably has all of my story ideas on it! I
decided to
knowing that
all of my secrets would be written upon it! It said, "Jared--
beware. William was seen flying into Luxembourg." Um. What?
Who is William? Was that one of my story ideas? It didn't seem like
a very good one. Perhaps I wasn't Grunion Gun! at all? Who could I
be? I sat down to think about everything I'd learned on my murdering
and thieving travels. Think, dumb-dumb, think!
I thought. And
I suddenly remembered that I'd been here before.
I thought. And
I remembered it was a private yacht I was familiar with. But what
did little men with poison drinks have to do with the Tycoon?
I thought. He
was a wealthy industrialist. I couldn't tell if I just remembered
that or if I was smart enough to make that connection from the
filthy, soggy newspaper I'd read.
I thought. He
was a trusted friend! I guess he wasn't trying to get his hat back!
He was trying to have a discrete dinner with me. Was he my lover?
I thought. He
was a low life I knew well. I thought he died in a fiery auto
accident!" I also thought I might make a Subway joke here
but then decided that was stupid.
I thought. And
then it happened! In a flood, my memory came pouring back. You
know, in the way floods pour. I am William Arcman, a wealthy
industrialist who can get away with murder and robbery, forgery
and assault! My evil twin brother Jared had taken my identity!
Of course! It's always the evil twin brother! He faked the
automobile accident in which he was supposedly killed. He then
stowed away on my yacht, the Tycoon, and while far out at sea, hit
me over the head with a lead pipe and threw me overboard to drown.
Well, that will teach me to travel far out at sea with little men
and lead pipes. He then assumed my identity figuring my body
would never be found. My trusted chauffeur, Bob Masters, discovered
Jared's secret and tried to find me by leaving a hat with a clue
in it at Rick's Cafe instead of actually meeting me at Rick's Cafe.
And I guess a Chauffeur makes sense since the only thing on him was
a Driver's License. However, before Bob could talk to me, Jared
caught up with him. I have succeeded in reclaiming my identity!
Yay me! Now to hire a lawyer so that I don't end up in prison for
murdering my no good brother in his sleep!