A pass through the mountains

Child's Play
By Stephen Granade

by Grunion Guy


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You begin smothered in darkness. Since you're playing a baby, you really only have one option open to you.


Now the mom is super excited to see how well you're learning things. And she's using your favorite tool to manipulate you! Well, you won't get your toy any other way.

Pull up on footstool.

Well, now you can see your toy but you can't get it because you'll fall on your butt. But you can probably shake it loose.

Shake footstool.

Well, that worked but now the toy is outside the ring of pillows! So,

Let go.

and then take a look at those pillows to see how you might get around them.

Examine pillows.

Hey! Another toy stuck under the pillows. Wonder what that does?

Examine Alfadog.

Might as well flip the switch and get him moving.

Turn on Alfadog.

That worked exactly like your genius little baby brain expected.



Get toy!

Nooooooooo! Looks like it's time for Plan B.


So, the toy is in Zoe's mom's backpack and the backpack is behind the rocking chair. None of the toys seem capable of stopping the rocking chair since it's a gliding rocker. So, how else can you get at it? Try getting Parry's attention!

Pull up on Parry.

Hey! When he picks up a baby, he stops rocking. But that doesn't really help unless I had an accomplice. Hmm. That Jemison seems like a follower. Whenever he sees you pick something up, he'll follow you around, really interested in the toy. So pick up anything you can fit in your mouth while Jemison is in the area.

Pick up [toy].

Jemison now can't take his eyes off of you and the toy! Now lead Jemison into Parry's lap!

Chew on [toy].

Pull up on Parry.

Drop [toy].


Now you're on the floor and Jemison is in Parry's lap and he stopped rocking! Go for the backpack!

Open backpack.

Move white onesie.

Hmm, it got stuck.

Pull white onesie.

That doesn't work and you're out of time because of that jerky Zoe! Her mom takes the backpack to try to free the onesie. Parry offers to help but as long as Marion can shut Zoe up, she takes the backpack all the way to the loveseat. While freeing the onesie, she takes out the toy! But she puts it right back in the backpack. Okay, you'll have to try that again. But this time, you'll want to keep Marion distracted so Parry will try to free the onesie. Make sure Jemison is there and pick up a toy in front of him.

Get [toy].

Chew on [toy].

Pull up on Parry.

Drop [toy].


Okay! Go for the backpack again! But first prepare for later since you'll run out of time later because of that tattle tale Zoe. Get any other toy that's lying around that you can stick in your mouth.

Get [toy].

Now go for the backpack so Zoe will start screaming.

Open backpack.

Pull white onesie.

Chew on [toy].
(The one you picked up earlier a few turns ago.)

This time, pay attention to the toy Marion gives to Zoe to calm her down. Take that toy from Zoe!

Get [toy]. (The one Marion just gave Zoe!)

Now your favorite toy is in Parry's lap!

Pull up on Parry.

If you drop something in his lap, he'll knock out other stuff in his lap.

Drop [toy]. (The one you're chewing on.)


Get favorite toy!

Rats! Foiled again!


Snack time! You can do whatever you want while you wait for snacktime to be over. The main thing to notice is how all the kids are infatuated with the spilled Cheerios.

Okay. Back in the Living Room. Time to get the toy out of that cabinet! It takes some experimenting and playing around to see how all the kids act with the new things in the room. But the kids act as before, so that helps out. Zoe is interested in the toy just as you are, Cassie is a daredevil and Jemison is still infatuated with things that you carry. One in particular this time. The baby gate to the west has moved and if you explore over there, you find you can open the door of the cabinet but there is a baby lock on it. A new item, a Tumbler, sits over the lock. Hmm, that might be important. First off, make that cabinet wobbly. Head to the southwest. A piece of folded paper is under the cabinet.

Examine the footstool.

That small gap can be negotiated!

Pull up on footstool.



Get paper.

Chew on paper.

Pull up on footstool.


Now Parry's tumbler is on the floor. You can't seem to do anything with it since Parry has a close eye on you. You'll have to distract him. Cassie'll do that for you if you get her to do a trick! Push all three of the different sized blocks into Cassie's area. She'll climb them and take a nose dive into the ground! Head over to that tumbler while the worried parents are distracted! It's too heavy to do anything with since you're just a baby. So act like one!

Chew on tumbler.

Parry will come back and notice his tumbler has baby slobber on it! He'll put it back on the cabinet. Now, you want to get Zoe and Jemison behind the loveseat with you. Zoe will follow you of her own accord. But Jemison needs some incentive. Find him and then...

Get jangly balls.

Make your way behind the loveseat. Jemison now follows you.

Open cabinet.

Jemison gets in your way! Give him the jangly balls and try again.

Open cabinet.

Now Zoe stops you from doing it! You need a way to distract them both. Well, the jangly balls have velcro on them. Take them back and stick 'em on Zoe.

Get jangly balls.

Stick jangly balls on Zoe.

Open cabinet.

Success again! But once again, for only mere moments!


Picture time! Hang out and get things done so the parents will let you go back to playing on the floor. Once back on the floor, first things first. You can't manipulate anything in that stupid squid costume. And you can't take it off yourself. Time to manipulate the parents again.

Spit up.

Pull up on Becca (or any of the adults).

Okay! Time to get that toy off of the bookcase. Those blocks seem like a good idea. Such a good idea that Zoe is already taking care of it! You'll notice her pushing the blocks over by the bookcase. So you should get started doing other things. Check out all the new stuff in the area. Hmm. A remote control and you don't know how to use it. Give it to someone who does.

Get remote.

Give remote to Parry (or any of the adults).

Now the swing is over by the bookcase. You might have noticed earlier that the swing was to calm down upset babies. Maybe you should get upset.





You are now swinging near the toy!

Get toy.

Oh. You need to swing higher.

Examine swing.

It has a speed switch. Take a look at that.

Examine switch.

A-ha! You probably need to turn it up to Hi! Wait a bit until you're let out of the swing. While you're waiting, Parry comes by and pushes your toy closer! How cool!

Get toy.

Okay, still not close enough. So wait it out and then you'll deal with getting that switch to hi. The mom eventually lets you out. Now go find the Bucket of Blox.

Push bucket.

An instruction booklet? Might as well peruse it even though I can't read.

Open booklet.

The booklet opens to show a helicopter. And Watson builds it! He's pretty good with those blocks. Maybe there's something he can build that a little guy like you could handle.

Turn page.

Turn the pages until you open the booklet to the poosh stick. Wait until Watson builds the Poosh Stick and then take it.

Get poosh stick.

Now head back over to the bookcase in the Northeast corner of the Living Room.

Push switch to hi.

Now you can probably get that toy! Time to make a fuss again!





The mom puts you back in the swing.

Get toy.

You almost nab it but it flies into the Playpen! Well, after all the other problems, this shouldn't be too hard to figure out. While you're waiting for the Mom to get you out of the swing again, you can get some hints to your next action.

Examine playpen.

A-ha! You should be able to open up the playpen by pushing on that bar! Wait until you're on the floor again.

Push bar up.

Okay, you're too short. Climb up those blocks!

Climb short block.

Climb medium block.

Climb tall block.

Push bar up.

Uh-oh! You're going to need an accomplice again. Luckily, Zoe was watching and it looks like she gets the idea. You just have to figure out how to lift up the other end away from the blocks.



Get stick (It should be here after the mom took it from you to put it in the swing. If not, go find it and then head to the Middle of the Living Room.)

Push bar with stick.

That's it! The playpen is open!

Enter playpen.


Dang it! Zoe took the toy, that selfish brat!

Get toy.

You won't get it from her by chasing her around and grabbing at it. Remember that bit about Parry suddenly eating Cheerios? Go find his Cheerios!




There they are on the loveseat! Knock 'em over! It'll be Baby Anarchy!

Hit Cheerios with stick.

Drop stick.

Now go find Zoe and start grabbing that toy until you've chased her into the Northwest corner of the Living Room.

Get toy!

Success at last! And the playdate is over! 100/100!

Walkthrough written by Grunion Guy!

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Copyright 2006 NA!P






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