
#3: 7/29/2011
#2: 2/18/2011
#1: 2/16/2011


The True Adventures of Me & Ken!

This comic is a memoir. All comics are true to the extent that it is how my mind has remembered them. By I, I mean the Me part of the title, Jeff Good. The Ken part of the comic title might argue somewhat with how events are portrayed but he'd be wrong. Even he'd have to admit he might be wrong since his memory isn't as good as my memory. Or at least not as entertaining!

Perhaps only people who know me and Ken or me or Ken will find this comic entertaining or interesting. Ken may even be the only other person even reading it.

I think most Memoir comics on the internet feature a gay female as the protagonist. So if this comic changes to The True Adventures of Me, Ken and a Lesbian, don't be too surprised. 




