The 3 Musketeers
Grunion Guy
(The only real walkthrough
you probably need for this game is this part inside these parentheses. It's a
Choose Your Own Adventure style game and with the Quick Save ability on the
emulators, it shouldn't be too hard to blunder your way through it. But you
might want to know what keys to use to do so! So here's the DOCUMENTATION I
wrote for the game and then you can get on with my amazing rendition of the
When the game shows a '?' on the right side of the screen, that means the text
being shown is what has happened in the story. Press the SPACE BAR and you'll
get the first of several options to choose from for your actions. You can cycle
through all the options by pushing the SPACE BAR. When you get to the option you
want to choose, press RETURN. When
the game shows four arrows, you need to enter a direction for your character to
go. Press F1 for North, F3 for South, F5 for West and F7 for East. And
now on with the story!) Chapter
Rounding Up the Boys I,
the great and glorious D'argrunion have just satiated my beloved Constance with
a rousing game of Satiation when she hands me a letter from the Queen and with
a worried frown on her forhead (which seems odd and terrifying at the same
time since I was hoping I was kissing her on the lips but if her mouth is on her
forehead, sorry, FORHEAD, what the hell was I trying to stick my tongue in?), asks
if I will accept the mission! I have no idea what mission I'm supposed to be
accepting but she's so cute with her bangs hanging over her little pursed lips,
I can't refuse! Or can I!
Apparently some Cardinal
is trying to miscredit the queen, possibly because he doesn't want her to
overshadow him in his film? I take the letter and say
"Oh, my most
precious one, I would joyfully sacrifice my life in order to save thee and the
Queen's honour from th'evil plans of the Cardinal."
Then I take hold of
Constance's hand and kiss it on the lips very tenderly with just the right
amount of slobbering. I'm glad Constance doesn't comment on my bumbling of the
word "the" which can be a pretty hard word to say especially when it's
followed by a word beginning with an 'e' which the just ended in! It's
practically impossible not to run them together!
After our fantastic
make-out session in which I score again, Constance leaves the chamber while I take
my rapier and grab my pouch which seems odd since I've just done it like two
times and now I'm going to masturbate! I'm a stallion! After I'm done pleasing
myself the way only I can please myself even though Constance does a pretty good
job, I consider making a swift moment by jumping out of the window even
though I would probably get hurt. If I was more cautious with my moments, I'll
probably be able to get to the end of the book, so I
carefully climb out of
the window.
I'm now in Paris and the
graphics make me really feel like I'm there!

I can almost smell the baguettes and piss!
An alley heads west toward
my friends' houses or I can go south to the Musketeer Headquarters! I'm really
looking forward to a ride on Space Mountain, so I head
wondering why the Queen
and Constance are so riled up about this gosh darn Cardinal! I wish the game
would have told me more about what I was doing. Do they expect me to have
already read this book? Why would I be playing the game if I read the book?
Pshaw! Stupid!
At the Musketeers Secret
Hide-out, I run into a servant who looks like a real Nancy boy!

I wonder if this guy's sister has a brother that doesn't look
like a sister.
He tries to tell me his
master, some Mr. de Trevilles, doesn't want to be disturbed. I realize this
isn't America so I don't rush in and disturb Mr. de Trevilles in a really
unrecedented rude way which might garner me three days in prison (one for
each musketeer!). Instead, I
try to convince the
servant of the importance of my mission
but the little buggerer
still refuses to let me in! And he begins staring at my crotch, to boot! So I
throw him my money
pouch and say, "Thou seemst rather frightened of your master."
The stupid servant still
does not want to let me in, accusing me of bribery, acting uppity and finally
demeaning stable boys in his dramatic furor! There's just no pleasing this guy
and now he's trying to take my money without letting me in! I say,
"Thou art
mistaken: it is no bribe, but a meager recompense for the embarrasment thou
mightest endure by letting me in."
Well, somebody should be
embarrassed by the way they spelled embarrassed! But it isn't me! I'm happy
because the little snot finally let's me in to see that de Trivia guy I've been
trying to see for some reason.

I wish Neck Doilies would come back in fashion!
And there he is! The guy
is sitting in a chair doing absolutely nothing and acts really pleased to see
me! His servant is running some huge scam apparently! Captain de la Trivia says,
"Ah, my friend D'argrunion, what can I do for thee?"
[Choose the 4th Option]
"I need a leave
for me and my three friends in order to be able to perform a secret mission for
her majesty the Queen. A mission so secret that even Iest do nottest
knowest what I am doingest!"
Captain Trevino sputters
and spits Cognac out of his mouth and goes, "WHHAAAAAAT?!"
[Choose the 1st Option]
"The mission is
such that I cannot reveal it because I do not know what it is! I think
I've been entrusted with passing a note or something. Thou art
unfortunately obliged to have faith in me."
Mr Captain gets all sad
and boo hoos, "Oh, poor baby, needs some time off! But only if you've got a
doctor's note for your 'diarrhea'. Let's see the proof."
[Choose the 3rd Option]
"I am to
deliver this our Queen's letter in England before it is too late. I hope
there is an address or something on it. Maybe that's why I need those other
three Musketeers. And aren't I a Musketeer? Why do they get the title credits?
Shouldn't this book be called D'argrunion Delivers a Letter?"
My Captain fusses and
fidgets with some war documents he's hidden on his shelves and asks me to swear
that I, too, am not hiding war documents.
[Choose the 1st Option]
"I solemnly
swear that this letter only concerneth her majesty the Queen and her hoo-ha."
Finally, the big dumb-dumb
grants me my leave of absence. I hope he remembers that my other three friends
with the funny names need a leave of absence also! Although, why should I bother
bringing them along when they're going to steal all of the credit!
I leave the headquarters
through the back door so I don't have to run into that toady who stole all of my
money. I find myself on a street called a Rue, right outside Luxembourg. So that
must mean I'm in Portugal. To the south is some place called the Quail dealy
Ferrari. The street heads east and west and to the north is the market!
Baguettes! I head
into the famous
market-hall, known for its beauty.

Vons in the 1800s.
Aww, yes, I can see how
bright and vibrant everything is! I don't see any vendors with hot pretzels or
cheese sticks but to the east is Porthos apartment. I'm not sure if his
name is Portho and they forgot the apostrophe or if his name is Porthos and they
still forgot the apostrophe. Hopefully he'll still have on his Vons Nametag when
I meet him. I head
where I notice the editor
was finally paying attention when I cast my eyes upon Porthos's extravagant
apartment. "Ah, my friend, finally we shall meet!" I head
into the costly
decorated room of Porthos where I see the enormous Musketeer lying on a

Porthos: not in the top 1000 baby names.
"Hello, my fat
friend!" I say in the extremely French-Portuguese way I've decided my
character has. I am greeted with heavy snores from the fat jerk. "Oh
ho! Someone has been on a typical French bender!" I say in my swaggering
and gay way since gay was an entirely appropriate way to be in France in
whatever century this is taking place. Probably an older one because there isn't
any color in any of the pictures.
I go to a chair in
the corner and sit down to think for a while. Why all of this intrigue
to deliver a letter for the Queen? Why was there so much intrigue tied up in
letter writing in France in the 1800s? Unless this was the 1500s! Didn't France
have a postal service? Is that what a Musketeer is supposed to be doing? How hot
is Constance? I mean, really, pretty hot, hunh? But with a name like Constance,
it sounds like maybe she doesn't do it a whole lot. Possibly not at all! And who
are these Cardinalists I keep talking about? Are they just more blasphemy
England thought up to stick it to the Holy Church of Rome? Probably! The big
self-reliant jerks!
I remain sitting for
over an hour because my big, fat, snoring friend just won't wake up! But
also because I have a lot of cool and interesting stuff to think about! Porthos
might as well sleep a little while longer so I
rise, walk a few
restless turns around the room and finally sit down again to continue my wait.
And continue my good think! Why would my Queen want to send a secret letter to
England? I'm pretty sure we don't like Englishers! Could my Queen be having a
Tristram with some hot buttered scone of an Englishman?! Oh the worry! But it is
my duty to deliver letters with my friends the Three Musketeers and to have an
exciting time doing it so parents can get children to read classical literature
in the next century!
Finally, Porthos wakes
up and drowsily says: "woe, woe, how my head acheth; but what a banquet it
was." He looks up and sees me staring at him while he sleeps.
Thankfully he isn't too weirded out by it and asks, "Ah, D'argrunion,
what is thy errand?"
"Grab your
rapier and join me on a perilous mission! We risk meeting cruel Cardinalists
along our journey to England. Thus you must be prepared to fight your way
I lie to the stinking
drunk fat loser. Because who would join with me in an exciting novel about
delivering a stupid letter? Not me! But then I'm only on this mission because I
currently can't figure out how to defeat Mantenna or Mer-man or Beastman in that
other adventure game I'm trying to solve! Stupid Masters of the Universe.
Porthos gets super excited and agrees without even asking how much money I'm
going to pay him!
"Good! for a long
time I have longed to make use of my rapier." Man, is the whole novel
rapier double-entendres? We leave his apartment and head
to go find some other guy.
We then go
where we're at the end of
the Rue des Fossoyeurs. We head
again to Rue Fairy where
Athos lives! We head
into his apartment. And
there he is!

Big hats are all the rage.
He's in deep thoughts
over a bottle of wine. I bet his deep thoughts aren't even funny.
I say, "Athos,
thou must forget thy worries, since I am in need of they assistance."
Athos speaks without
moving a muscle which is kind of like how a ventriloquist does it, I think. "Forget?
I cannot forget, I will never forget." He mumbles some unperceivable words
which make me think what he's trying to forget is a run-in with Cthulhu or some
other Old One. Good thing I know of the one and only true way to break someone
out of a Lovecraftian break from sanity!
I go to the jug of
water which is on a table by Athos bed (Hey editor! Wake up!), pour
some water into a glass and throw it in his face. The glass shatters on
his brow and Athos almost falls off his chair. He spits and snorts (a lot
like Porthos! Ha!), but then he comes to me and says: "I thank thee,
friend, I must leave those thoughts behind."
"Then I know
exactly what thou must do," I say triumphantly! "Come with me
to England on an important mission, and thou wilt forget thy past. Fencing and
fighting is the only remedy for troubled minds!" Wow! That's true!
That's why Super Heroes are so together psychologically. Freud should have based
his work on my philosophy of fighting and fencing! Pugiltherapy!
Athos agrees with me
completely, of course. But then he calls me 'Sapristi' which I don't think is my
name. I might be offended except I need these three grown men to help me deliver
a letter. So I ignore it and we head back into the street. We all head
back to the Rue with the
funny name. We decided to stroll down this Ruelouvard for awhile in hopes that
we find the home of my third amigo, Whatshisnameos. We go
past Porthos's posh
neighborhood. Excpet instead of saying 'posh' I probably said something
Frenchier. We keep heading
until we're all hanging
out back of the Musketeer headquarters. Just like when we have our smoke breaks!
We head
where the house of Aramis
sits. We head
into his building where we
find Aramis sitting at his table. He looks up and says, "Be brief, my
friend, I am composing a letter of love."

His hat is on fire!
Don't these guys work?
What does a Musketeer do anyway? Why is the word Musket in their name yet they
keep grabbing rapiers and talking about fencing?
I explain to Aramis,
"Our Queen's honour is at stake, and I need thy help to save her from the
mean intrigues of the Cardinal. We must at once depart for England and deliver a
Aramis quickly agrees to
join us without any further explanation of the task. Which is a good thing since
I'm not even sure what I'm doing! Some hot chick named Constance gave me a
letter to deliver that will save the Queen's honour from some evil, mustachio
twirling Cardinal! I guess that's explanation enough! As long as that thin
little premise leads to lots of fighting of swords and buckling of swashes!
Aramis has only one
concern. "Canst thou arrange a leave of absence even though I don't
know what we're leaving from? Drinking, hangovers and writing love letters, I
guess! Go Musketeers!"
"Of course, all
such minor details are already taken care of. I have spent all the money I
have to obtain permission of leave for us and our two friends. You owe me
big time."
says Aramis, dropping his comma outside of the quotation marks, "let
us at once set out to save our Queen." He takes his rapier like a good
Musketeer and we leave his apartment and head
past the fountain and then

to the gates of Paris
where a guard is standing just to the
of us to keep everyone
We walk up to the mean
looking guard and he demands to see our papers. Apparently he finds them in
order and we're allowed to leave Paris and enter into Chapter Two!
After Having Escaped Paris
We find ourselves heading
north to Normandie at the start of the second chapter. Hopefully Normandie is
another way of saying England or else we might be lost! Maybe it's another way
of saying Northern France! Whatever it means, at least the picture of it has
some color in it!

This picture is upside down.
So we ride
along the road. After
several hours of bustled riding we reach a small tavern by mid-day. We stop to
take a closer look at the tavern and notice that it seems unusually calm.
strange," I tell Porthos who nods knowingly. "Wouldn't you expect a
couple of prostitutes to be servicing men in the hedgerow and a giant brawl to
be going on inside? And perhaps an innkeeper and his wife singing about being
big jerks?"
"That is exactly what
I would expect," responds Porthos good-naturedly which is how everyone
expects the fat guy to respond.
"Oh, but we must stop
for a small drink and a flirt," says Athos already climbing down from his
saddle and unzipping his fly. Unless zippers haven't been invented yet, and then
he's unbuttoning his jeans. Unless buttons haven't been invented yet and then
he's undoing the leather ties.
Seeing that Athos is
already on his way in, I make the decision to
take a short break
and go inside to have a good dinner. Once inside the tavern, I am
greeted by a large, drunken man. He slurs his words and utters, "Here's a
toast to the Cardinal. Drink with me or die!"
Well, that's one way to
get an action scene started. But is it really believable? Am I to expect that a
man in a tavern getting sloppy drunk is going to threaten every person who
enters with death if they don't toast some stupid religious guy? Now, maybe it's
because I'm such a genius writer or maybe it's because this Dumas guy wrote such
a lousy video game, but I really don't find this part very believable. I bet
this guy's editor was on his back to get to some exciting stuff after all that
wandering around Paris convincing your buddies to join you to deliver a letter.
I ask Porthos to
swiftly get rid of this man. Porthos falls upon the man, who quickly sobers
up from his intoxication. Porthos shouts, "Ride on in haste, my friends, I
shall take care of this racketeer." Then he mirthfully continues the fight.
So I guess that makes more
sense! It was just some bandit or thug or racketeer trying to rob us! Well, it's
a good thing our fat friend Porthos loves a good bar brawl! Oh what a mirthful
fight he had!
Aptos, Arachnis, and I
rush out of the bar and hurry up the highway! A few hours later, the road is
blocked by a small, grey man with a vicious look on his face. He croaks,
"Give me a coin!" The nerve! But it's such a typical plot device!
This grey, vicious, rude man is probably a King or a Pope or something and he'll
end up giving me lots of riches at the end of the story for being such a
kind-hearted and generous person!
I throw him some
copper coins and the man croaks some indistinct words and leaves the place.
Better to save the gold coins for something important like dinner. Plus, I don't
want to stand out as some rich guy on he road! He might run off and tell some
bandits that I'm loaded! As we head
I wonder if Porthos has
rejoined us or if he even ever left us. It sure seemed like he was going to stay
behind at the inn and fight that guy all night.

As we're all enjoying the
sun and tree bordered road, a group of armed Cardinalists appear all around
us. The commander shouts "Fire!"
I cry out for Aramis
to detain them as a bullet hits his leg. He shouts, "Ride on! I Shall
detain them here!"
I guess that answers the
question about Porthos being left behind! So now I've lost two Musketeers as me
and Apthos continue to ride
towards an old ruin. At
the ruin we turn
toward a large forest. We
enter along a path to the
and find ourselves
immediately lost because apparently the path disappeared once we got deep enough
into the forest to lose our bearings. Really? A maze in a computer game
adaptation of a graphic novel? Or was this actually in the original work?
Chapter Fifteen: You are in a maze of twisty little passages all alike. Well, we
wander around all day going
EAST [F7],
WEST [F5],
EAST [F7],
EAST [F7],
EAST [F7],
EAST [F7],
WEST [F5],
EAST [F7],
we finally get out of
the forest totally exhausted. That's because we had to wander by a
carcass, a high mountain, a hillside, a quiet stream, a distant swamp, a small
meadow, a few rabbits, a little mouse, a sunny clearing, a treehouse, a dead
wolf, a big hazel-bush, a big mushroom, a calm stream, a dark bearcave, a gravel
pit, an old ruin, a dark treealley, a big spring, a fast rapide, an old
mineshaft, a forest path, a darkblue lake, a fallen tree, nice shrubbery, a lot
of berries, an angry river, a clear spring, a dead tree, a lot of flowers, an
apple-tree, a distant deer, a small glade, a bear far away, a deserted cabin, a
large rock, a green hill, a mighty rock, a big treestump, a very old oak, a
lonely pinetree, a flowing river, a hat-shaped cliff, a high fence, a large
creek, a very tall pine, a brown cow, a small cliff, a river mouth, a poisones
snake, a lot of frogs, a large ant-hill, a steep hill, a broken tree, a lot of
acorns, a rocky area, a deep valley, a big blue lake, a slimey toad, a green
field, a brush wood, a firgrove, and a steep ravine. I have double-checked
my tale and none of the errors in that list are mine, especially not the
poisones snake.
Athos and I head
toward a small tavern to
rest for the night. As we're settling our bill the next morning, the host
roars, "Counterfeiter!" and summons a horde of men. I figure I
should probably get out of here safely with the letter and
leave it to Athos to
take care of. Athos fires both of his guns and draws his rapier.
So at least one of us has firearms although I don't remember the last time a
pistol was called a musket. Maybe the two guns he's drawing are both muskets and
he's dual wielding them like those guys in Call of Duty with the two shotguns. He
shouts, "Leave me, I will manage this alone. Thou hast to save the
Queen!" I skeedaddle out of there with my rapier between my legs, hop
on my horse and flee
I approach the port at
Calais and continue to the
on foot. I have finally
reached Calais which is weird since I had no idea that was where I was
headed. I remember something about Normandie.

Dreary. And I'm not even in England yet.
I hope the other
Musketeers knew this was where we were headed so we can meet up for a good fight
at the local tavern with some Cardinalists. I head
to the harbour and find a ship
fit to take me to England. I walk up to the Captain and say,
"I want to rent
thy vessel, but quick! I am bound for England."
The captain raises his
brows and asks, "To England? I am afraid that is impossible, the Cardinal
has prohibited all journeys to England without a passport stamped by the
"Where can I
get such a passport?" I inquire boringly. Even though it's easier
to just type in all the stuff that the game tells me, it isn't very exciting or
entertaining at all! People actually think this garbage is classic literature?
Pee-yuke! I think it's time to make this story a little more exciting!
The Captain says,
"You'll have to do something really super exciting and probably a little
bit dangerous and maybe shocking to get that passport! Because that will get the
audiences into the seats and then have them sitting on the edges of those seats
wondering if you will succeed or not. But first it will be so mysterious and
exciting that it will keep those pages turning as the book rockets to the number
spot on the Booksellers Best Books List!"
"Wow! That truly is a
very exciting thing I must do! Did you say I must go this way to do that
exciting thing that you said I need to do?" I point
and he nods and points
north and says, "Yes, you have the direction correct. Now you should go in
that direction because it seems like you are dilly-dallying because you are
"Oh ho! You dare to
challenge the great D'argrunion?" I say while placing my hand upon my chest
and making a sour face.
"Yes! For I have
been waiting to kill thee!" he cries as he draws his rapier. That means
he pulls it out so that he can kill me with it and not that he took a crayon and
sheet of paper out and drew the deadly weapon.
I draw my rapier and
fight the man back! After a vigorous fight I finally manage to mortally
bless the Cardinal's emissary, I mean, the Ship's Captain. A-ha! Now I do
not need to go
to that Governor's stamp
shop or whatever it was I was supposed to do. Because a dead man does not need
to see my passport at all!
"Hey, first
mate!" I shot at the skinny guy in the funny cap and red shirt. "Get
this ship sailing
and make it a
double!" I yell at him. The first mate sees the mess I made of the Captain
who did not listen to me and decides to not be dead when he wakes up tomorrow.
So he hitches the post sails and filets the anchors and off we go toward

Chapter Three
I Hope The Three Musketeers Can Catch Up
After three hours of
sailing, the ship pulls into Dover. I exit the ship to the
and don't see a mailbox
anywhere! A couple of really fun sounding pubs stand closed to either side of me
so I wander
up the famous coiling
streets of Dover. Everything is still closed but a carriage is loitering off to
EAST [F7],
probably looking for
people who need to go back home because they came to town while all the shops
were closed. I hop in the carriage and say
"Quick take me
to the castle of Buckingham, and make it hasty, please!"
The coachman is
acquinted with the Duke so he does not wish to be paid. Being French and not
having a great grasp on the English language, I assume the word 'acquinted' has
some special meaning that has to do with getting lots of extra money from
somebody to bring people to his doorstep for free. Feeling a little awkward, I
"I thank thee,
it is most generous of thee," and then I back hurriedly away from
him and head toward Buckingham's summerpalace. This is probably the kind
of place that doesn't mind if you just stroll right in and help yourself to
whatever, I decide and do just that, going
into the palace. A servant
tells me to get lost. But I have a diplomatic way with words and say,
"I am here on a
mission from the Queen of France. Her life is endangered and I am to deliver a
letter from her to the Duke." After I lay it all out on the line
like that, I feel a bit under whelmed about my adventure. I'm nothing more than
a puffed up Federal Express Employee! Except the ones that deliver in Europe
instead! I'm so happy I never actually read this dumb book!
The servant acts all nice
and understanding but I can tell he's really just trying to steal my thunder and
take the letter to deliver it himself! Well, I didn't come all this way and have
three other men fight all of my battles for me just to get scooped by some
know-it-all butler! I say
"I am certain
thou wouldst deliver it thineselfest. I have, however received utterly
strict instructions to deliver the letter personally."
Take that, you smart-off!
I think wisely. The servant says, "Gah! Whatever! Here, go saddle a horse
or something and deliver it yourself. I have bed pans to scrub!" The
servant leaves. I head
to go find a horse which
is probably in the stables I may or may not have seen while I was outside the
Palace. I see the stables to the
and so I go
into the stable where I
pick out a beautiful white thoroughbred, which I speedily saddle. From the
distant east I perceive the sound of a bugle far into the forest. I suppose
that's my clue that I should head into the forest now to find this Duke guy. I
yawn really loudly and head
EAST [F7] and then
EAST [F7] and then
EAST [F7] again and
which is when I finally
catch up to the Duke's stupid hunting party full of stupid hunters. I hope the
stupid address is right on this stupid letter!
I am approaching the
hunting party from behind. They have as yet not noticed me, as they are busy
tracking down a buck.
I halt and call out
to the party, "I am sent by the French Queen to deliver a personal letter
to the Duke of Buckingham. Is he by any chance here?"
A man emerges from the
group and approaches me. After guarding the letter all this way from all sorts
of vile and despicable people, I hand the letter over to this guy I don't even
recognize. He reads it and barks, "My lord, time is short. I know a
shortcut, follow me!"

Buckingham is half English and half lion.
Really? Time is short and
he knows a shortcut? How does he know time is short? What did the letter even
say? Somebody better clue me in before I die of boredom.
The Duke and I race all
the way back to his palace and then ride the horses down the hall and gallop
into his office where he takes out a box, hands it to me and says,
"Here, take these diamonds and give them to the Queen before the ball
commences." What ball? You mean I have to go back to France in a hurry
"Whoa, whoa! Hold on
a second, bud-dee!" I say in my superb French accent.
"I am sorry,
but being French I cannot trust any Englishman. Therefore I shall have to open
the box and verify its contents."
"Oh, but of course,
you wicked cur," jibes my new best friend, the Duke. "Why would I be
offended by that at all?" The Duke seems slightly agitated as I open it and
notice some Diamonds are missing.
"Um, um, um, Oh,
my God! Two diamonds have been stolen, probably one of the Cardinal's men.
Quick, you have to get two copies made at my jewellery in Dover." The
Duke then kicks me out of the room while trying to hide his spangly new
"What a fop!" I
snicker as I head
EAST [F7] and then
out of his Palace. Then
it's more boring travel as I go
SOUTH [F3], and
SOUTH [F3] again
until I'm once again in
Dover. And that carriage guy is back waiting but I don't need his weirdness
anymore because I have a horse! And diamonds! I think about retiring but
remember I have to save the Queen so that Constance will show me some good times
for being the biggest hero ever. I head
and find myself outside
Buckingham's private jewellery. I enter it to the
and get a couple of phony
baloney diamonds made. Afterward, everything looks great but for some reason I
need to go back to see the Duke for some reason! Which means more stupid
traveling! I go
EAST [F7],
WEST [F5], and
As I enter his private
study, the Duke says, "Ah, you are back at last. Please sit down, I have
a few things left to tell you." Even though there was no time to waste?
You couldn't tell me before I left with the diamonds and had to come all the way
back? You couldn't travel with me on the road to tell me this crap? This had
better be good!
The Duke says with
relief in his voice, "I am indebted to thee, allow me to return thy
kindness." The Duke enters an adjoining room and fetches a few objects
which he gives to you." Oh, okay! If you're going to give me gifts, I'm
glad I came back! I open my mouth to accept the gifts when my French instincts
take over completely!
"I would never
dream of accepting a gift from an Englishman. The only reason for me being here
is my duty to save her majesty the Queen of France."
Amused, the Duke
answers, "I must admire thy pride, but for the Queen's sake, accept these
tokens of my appreciation. In France they might give thee fresh horses during
the long ride."
"Magic Beans?" I
"Ho ho!" he
laughs amusedly while I remain confused by his British humour.
"I accept thy
offer, but tell me, how are these objects to give me fresh horses?"
"I have friends in
France who will help thee when thou needest it. Only listen and do exactly as I
tell thee. Thou shalt give this letter to my very good friend, old count Lewen.
Do not hand the letter to anyone else, since it does contain facts which must
never fall into wrong hands!"
"This handkerchief
thou must give to lord Falk, who is truly a gentleman. It is his secret
mistresses handkerchief. Thus thou must not give it to anyone else."
"The third person
thou shalt contact on your journey is a spy from the English secret service.
However, before I can disclose his identity, thou must swear that it will remain
an eternal secret."
"Yeah, yeah. I
swear. Give me!"
"Good! Now, thou
art to say a codeword to our man. He will then provide thee with a fast horse.
The codeword is FORWARD."
"Finally, a man of
thy kind must be very cautious about Mr Gravel, member of quite a suspicious
association. I have, however, detained one of their rings, and thou hast but to
show it to him."
"Now do not
mistake one of these persons for another, since that would bring this story to a
terrible ending. Well it is long since time for thee to leave."
"I know!" I say.
"You're a frickin' blabbermouth! But I'm glad the rest of my journey isn't
actually going to rely on any free will on my part. I'll just go from one
helpful person to another until I'm back in Paris and the Queen has the diamonds
and the Three Musketeers become famous for some reason or another." I once
again head to Dover by going
EAST [F7],
SOUTH [F3], and
As I near the harbour, the
first mate of the ship comes up to me with a worried look. "The Captain
went to a pub and hath not yet returned."
"Oh, yeah, um, err,
of course he did! Of course he made the trip across the channel with us and
wasn't killed by me at all!" I say, thinking quickly.
"Um, err, I
shall find him. Which establishment did he say he would favour?" I
say, knowing he was in neither because I killed him dead earlier in the most
exciting part of this whole story! And, of course, the First Mate has no idea
where the Captain went because he never actually saw the Captain leave because
the Captain didn't leave and go to any pub in Dover because the Captain never
made it to Dover! But I have to keep up the charade or this stupid First Mate
isn't going to take me anywhere.
I head
to kill some time at The
Sour Fish and maybe Shanghai some guy back on to the ship and promote him to
Captain. I head into the building to the
In the Sour Fish, I see a
big fancy man who probably would like to travel at see for awhile.
I go up to him and say,
"Come, old
boozer, make an effort and sober up! I must return to France at once."
The confused drunk looks
at me stupidly until I pick up his wine and walk back to the ship. He follows
me, we board, and the First Mate sets course back to France!
Chapter Four
I'm Pretty Sure We'll See The 3 Musketeers Now!
As I land in France, I
instantly notice one of the houses mentioned by Buckingham. Except he
only mentioned people. Unless he did mention houses. It's hard to remember
because I can't stay awake while playing this game! And it's a video game!
Imagine trying to read the big dumb book! I head
toward the house and am
struck blind!

Although I sense there is
a door to my
EAST [F7],
so I knock on it. The
door is opened by a cheerful little man who merrily asks, "What can I do
for thee?"
I give him the
Duke's password and say
"It must be
important since Buckingham uses me," says the little man who
immediately gives me a fast noblesteed. Now that I have a horse, I trot
off to the
toward Paris or something.
As my horse continues to get more and more exhausted and I grow more and more
bored with a story that hardly has any Musketeers at all when it promised three
good ones, I notice another one of the places Buckingham spoke of to the
I head up the walk and
find myself in front of a really nice mansion. I'll have to take the words' word
for it, though, because my emulator seems to be having problems with the

I walk up to the entrance
to the
WEST [F5].
A fine gentleman greets me
at the door and asks, "What is thy errand, Sir?"
I hand him the
letter. The count opens the letter and reads it. He then tells one of his
men, "Give this gentleman the best of my steeds!" I follow the man and
mount the horse. Hee hee!
Now that my horse has his
own horse to ride on while I ride on him, we head back
to the road to Paris and
then head
down it. I continue
for some time and
eventually the air clears or my eyes refocus or something because the scenery
looks okay again.

I can see again! And in some color!
Also, I see yet another
house that the Duke told me about. I head
to see if this is the guy
with the mistress so I can hear some really sordid tales from him as he gives me
his best horse. As I knock, I hear a low, mumbling noice which stops as I
knock. I wonder if a 'noice' is some kind of French Goblin? I hope not! I
wait nervously.
The door is slowly
opened by a tall, slim man, who gives you a sly look and says in a hard voice,
"What does thou want?" He seems suspicious to me so I be he wants
the ring!
I show him the ring
and he gives a hoarse cry and says, "What shall I do?"
"Give me a horse,
stupid!" Now I have three horses and I should be getting one more! Which
means I'll have enough horses for all of my Musketeers once they reunite with
me! If they're not all dead, I reckon! Is reckon a French word?
The man gives me yet
another horse and I set off once again for Paris to the
While galloping fast to
save the Queen, I suddenly realize I've gone astray! OH NOES! I'm at a
crossroads and I don't know which way I should go!
Luckily, I see the
beggar I encountered earlier standing by the road, staring. He says in a surly
voice, "Thou seemst lost, Sir. The road to Paris is to the south."
That's all I'm going to
get for my lousy coppers earlier? Where's my palatial estate left to me in his
will? I could have guessed that Paris was still to the south! But I'm willing to
bet that beggar is a big liar so I head
just to spite the jerk.
And lucky I did because I see the last house Duke described before me! It's the
man with the mistress! HOT! I walk up to his door to the
and it is answered by a
young gentleman. I give him a big wink and toss the handkerchief at him and he
gives me another horse! I could go into business selling horses now! Or maybe I
should go into business selling diamonds! I gallop off to the
where I can finally see the
enormous garden of Versailles! I'm about to save the Queen's honour somehow!
I finish my travels by heading
one last time
(hopefully!). But I'm apparently still outside the Palace. So I sigh and head
into the main palace. Now
maybe I head
for the last time because
I'm suddenly in the most beautiful room I've ever laid my eyes upon!
I hear someone behind me. I turn around, and for the very first time in my
life I see Anna of Austria.

Without a word I kneel
in front of her and present the diamonds. She gratefully accepts the diamonds
and gives me her hand to kiss! I kiss it big time and she swoons! She has
just enough time before the ball to ravish me and take my extreme virginity! I
win! Oh, also she takes her revenge on the mean Cardinal Richelieu
Except it's not! There's
even some more but I won't spoil that for you! Play this awesomely terrible game
yourself to see the super secret surprise ending!