Dwarf Lover, The Beginning, Page 13: Grummok: My army of kobolds, mulcher. Brennan: Right. Your army of kobolds and what army? I hadn't smelled this much dog since Prom night. Yes, Dwarven Prom. Duke: Enough! One sleep spell should suffice! Apparently, the Duke hadn't noticed the orc's Skull Belt of Spell Reflection. Kobold: Grrr... Kobold: Bowwow! Kobold: Bark. Kobold: Yipyip! Duke: Kerosbee! Stillsnash! Enyung! Kohk: WAIT! Kobold: Rowlf. Kobold: Snarl! Kobold: *slobber* Kobold: *scoot* Damn Dwarven initiative. |