Part Forty Four
Does Anyone Need Healing, Part II
"Is anyone injured? Anyone but Buster,"
Rocko three-peated.
"I am!" impotented Buster.
"It's yukky in there. I'm not going in the
sewer," put down his footed Turf (whose secret and most weakest
weakness was dirt, remember! (shit is like dirt)).
The Farmer walked into the hole and stretched out
his arms. He then walked up to Buster and showed him how wide open
his arms were. "The hole is bigger than this."
"Do we really want to fight rats...again?"
corpuscled Rocko, unaware that he wasn't even hardly Level One and
rats are all he should be fighting.
"Please, Hero! Save my farm," bitched the
Farmer annoyingly.
45. Buster Comes Up With A
Linear Plan
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