Part Thirty Three
Buster Mentions Cats
"We fought a bunch of rats! But we didn't get
squat-s. What was the point? We saved the joint. Why don't you buy
some cats?" withered Buster.
"We cain't afford no cats," blamed the
"Dad! Dad! These guys saved our farm!"
celebranded Poo Boy.
"You best give us our reward because The Hero
here gets mad when there's no reward," Rocko thought he lied
but was probably pretty close to the truth.
"And mean too!" agreed Buster, finally
having something to do in common with Rocko. Buster dug into his
purse and pulled out two Goldoons which he handed the poor farmer.
The farmer's eyes fell out of his head and he put them back in while
taking the Goldoons also.
"Well, I ain't got nothing of value. I ain't
even got cabbages since this here farm is subsidized to not grow
cabbages," confused the Farmer. He also lied because he had two
Goldoons also (which have a value of two Goldoons).
"Subsidized?" wondered Buster.
"Hey Farmer, do you have a bathroom?"
asked Rocko for some reason since there are no bathroom rules in
Roller Playing.
"We just go in the sewer outflow,"
answered the Farmer. "But watch yeself. That's where them thar
rats came from."
"Oh. Do you have anything to eat?" planned
Rocko meanly.
"We's got Rat now!" hee-hawed the Farmer
while licking his lips and his son's lips. Or his son licked his
lips too. His own lips. They each licked their own lips, that is.
Unless more stories would be sold the other way and then they made
out with each other and did it. Unless that is wrong. Then he just
said," We's got Rat now!" and forget about the lip stuff.
34. Dade is Upset
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